Learn2Earn Program Overview For Clients
SIGN UPWhat The Learn2Earn Program Can Do For You
So you have a Website and some social media accounts. Now what? Well, the Learn2Earn program can provide you with a win-win scenario. We take small businesses like yours and create facilitated learning opportunities for our students that are looking to build their portfolios.
The Digital Marketing Yoda and his hard-working students are ready to collaborate with your business. Together we can aid you in constructing a fantastic plan for your digital marketing strategy.
Thank you for your interest in the Learn2Earn Digital Marketing skills development program For more information follow us on social media.
Learn2Earn Program Process For Clients
Beginning To End Support For Clients Looking For Digital Support
What You Need to Do if Interested
Supercharge Your Business Marketing!
Step One – Please fill out the “Clients Sign Up Here” form . Let us know your interests and what you are looking for from students in the L2E Program.
Step Two – Depending on what you want from the L2E Program for your business, we will send you information about the program and then set up an introduction meeting to give you an overview of the l2E Program and answer any questions.
Step Three – We start the process of supporting your business growth!
More Information – If you would like more information, please contact us via email at digitalmarketinginstruction@gmail.com.
There is a limit to how many clients can be accommodated (you might be waitlisted)! Please let us know asap if you’re interested in being part of our Learn2Earn program to bring your business to the next level.
Looking forward to seeing your further growth of your business.